Latin grammar
A summary of all the principal grammatical forms, with tables of nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc, with some explanations, and a glossary of English grammar.
First check The sounds of Latin letters
Then Word stress in classical Latin
Practise with Pronunciation drills
And now An introduction to Latin metre
Sed fugit intereā, fugit irreparābile tempus
Hear more Latin readings (with Latin text and English translations)
These may also be useful:
Final vowels and syllables: typical quantities
Glossary – many of the technical terms
Online learning supports
Latin authors
Latin texts at The Latin Library
Latin (and Greek) texts and translations at LacusCurtius
Tests translations and commentaries at Perseus
Getting started on classical Latin
The Open University offers UK adults a chance to take a degree in classical Latin over an extended period of time. They offer free starter materials with their Getting started on classical Latin and also an introduction to the language and pronunciation.
Teachers’ forum
General interest
Online support for published courses
Get Started in Latin (2014)
GDA Sharpley
Hodder & Stoughton [UK]
McGraw Hill [USA]
Book only 978-1444174786
Book plus audio pack 978-1444174779
Audio only 978-1444174762
Sharpley’s shorter course for beginners is the most obvious way forward for beginners to continue after his day ‘Latin for Beginners’.
Online supports are here, including the translation of the story.
This title is a new edition (2014) of Get Started in Latin (2010) and Teach Yourself Beginner’s Latin (1997/2003).
The Complete Latin Course
GDA Sharpley
ISBN 978-0415596459
The longer of the two Sharpley courses. Selections from actual authors present a historical survey of ancient Rome, including chapters on life and society. This course provides a detailed and comprehensive approach to the language, with plenty of practice exercises. The 2019 reprint is recommended.