Latin Qvarter videos

Chasing Shadows
Preview of shadow dances in Chasing Shadows, an adaptation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Magna Graecia
Nine videos take us down through Italy, from the Etruscan city Tarquinia, to Rome, then to the Bay of Naples, and further south, pausing at early Greek volonies in southern Italy and Sicily.

Halftime at the Colosseum
A grand day out at the ancient Colosseum for a bit of slaughter and lots of other entertainment besides. Live Latin commentary from the gladiatorial games.

AD 61
400 slaves face execution in Rome, and now the story was on everyone’s lips. Citizens and slaves talk about this, plus slave prices, quality of gladiators, and the news from Britain, where a crazy queen has been on the rampage.

The Song of Arms and a Man
The Song of Arms and a Man, a performance of Virgil’s Aeneid, has visited Gloucester, Bristol, Oxford, Godalming, Cambridge and London twice. Here, Dame Emma Kirkby, Matthew Hargreaves and Elizabeth Donnelly read the Council of the Gods (Bristol 2019).

Virgil’s story of Aeneas meeting Dido
Aeneas puts himself at the mercy of Queen Dido after he is shipwrecked on the coast of north Africa. Virgil’s Aeneid 1.595-695; read in English and Latin by George Sharpley.

Go with the flow
Latin is miraculously recovered during this eccentric prof’s experiments. One sip and you’re fluent.

Rome’s bĂȘte noire, the menace of the east and evil fantasy figure: Cleopatra prepares her weapons of mass destruction.