Online support for
The Complete Latin Course
(GDA Sharpley, Routledge)
Scroll down to hear selections read aloud, or access translations, answers to exercises, word lists, course texts (with and without macrons), grammar tables (with a choice of layout—USA and UK) and a glossary of grammatical words.
Hear course readings
Some of the ancient texts are read aloud
Course readings (with macrons)
Ancient texts from the Complete Latin Course
Course readings (without macrons)
Ancient texts without macrons – to assist search/find
Translations of the Latin texts in the Complete Latin Course
Answers to exercises and practice questions
Words are included progressively, with new words added in red to each further list
Latin grammar
Nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns and numerals
Poetic metres
A summary of poetic metres, including a list of the different metres appearing in the Complete Latin Course. For more support on pronunciation and reading poetry, visit Language support.